Upload music

Add your song, after uploading go to verify upload. If you have more than one submission, please upload them one by one. Add your stage name in first name and your full name in last name.

Type the description of your song in a document format, e.g Msword or notepad. Add it by Clicking on upload song details.

If you have a song buy link and want people to buy your song after listening, type the URL of your song for purchase in a document format, e.g Msword document, or your notepad document along with your song details (description/cover story)

Please note that your song will appear in the media library after submission and it will be removed from heymym selected playlist  ifwhere you will get more listens if you do not verify within 7 days.

Thank you.
Music file in MP3, or Mp4 format
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Upload song details

  • Use the file upoad option to add your documented details.
Document file in PDF, word or notepad format.

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